Exposure Methods

This page has a list of publications and news articles related to Innovative Strategies - Enhanced Exposure Assessment. Find more information on Innovation in HEI's research programs.

Study examines cardiometabolic effects of air pollutants, noise, and green space

December 18, 2024

HEI has published a new Research Report, Cardiometabolic Health Effects of Air Pollution, Noise, Green Space, and Socioeconomic Status: The HERMES Study. Led by Ole Raaschou-Nielsen of the Danish Cancer Institute, the research team investigated four traffic-related air pollutants (fine particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide, ultrafine particulates, and elemental carbon), noise, and green space in relation to cardiometabolic health in 2.6 million adults in Denmark.

Research Report 222
Ole Raaschou-Nielsen
Aslak H Poulsen
Matthias Ketzel
Lise M Frohn
Nina Roswall
Ulla A Hvidtfeldt
et al.

This report presents a study led by Ole Raaschou-Nielsen of the Danish Cancer Institute. The research team investigated four traffic-related air pollutants (fine particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide, ultrafine particulates, and elemental carbon), noise, and green space in relation to cardiometabolic health in 2.6 million adults in Denmark.

HEI publishes second large study on air pollution and COVID-19

September 13, 2024

HEI has published a new Research Report, Air Pollution in Relation to COVID-19 Morbidity and Mortality: A Large Population-Based Cohort Study in Catalonia, Spain, which presents a study led by Cathryn Tonne of the Barcelona Institute for Global Health.

Research Report 220
Cathryn Tonne
Otavio Ranzani
Anna Alari
Joan Ballester
Xavier Basagaña
Carlos Chaccour
et al.

This study evaluated associations between exposure to outdoor air pollution and risk of hospital admissions, disease severity, and death related to coronavirus disease among 4.6 million adults in Catalonia, Spain, in 2020.

Research Report 217
Scott Weichenthal
Marshall Lloyd
Arman Ganji
Leora Simon
Junshi Xu
Alessya Venuta
et al.

This report presents a study that assessed associations between long-term exposure to outdoor ultrafine particles (UFPs) and black carbon with mortality using several modeling approaches. The investigators applied exposure models developed through mobile monitoring in Toronto and Montreal to 1.5 million Canadian adults residing in both cities.

Research Report 216
Joshua Apte
Sarah E Chambliss
Kyle P Messier
Shahzad Gani
Adithi R Upadhya
Meenakshi Kushwaha
et al.

This report presents the results of a study led by Joshua Apte of the University of California, Berkeley, a recipient of HEI’s Walter A. Rosenblith New Investigator Award. Apte and colleagues evaluated the use of mobile monitoring for several air pollution mapping and exposure assessment applications.

Study aims to better understand air pollutant concentrations near busy roads

August 30, 2022

Exposure to traffic-related air pollution, especially at the higher levels occurring in cities, has been associated with adverse health effects such as childhood asthma, impaired lung function, and cardiovascular disease.

Research Report 207
H Christopher Frey
Andrew P Grieshop
Andrey Khlystov
John J Bang
Nagui Rouphail
Joseph Guinness
et al.

This report presents a study led by H. Christopher Frey of North Carolina State University in Raleigh. The investigators measured six air pollutants (nitrogen oxides, ultrafine particles, black carbon, fine particles, nitrogen dioxide, and ozone) near a freeway and in an urban area.

September 2021 Update now available

September 24, 2021

In this issue of Update, read about a major HEI study in Europe that found evidence of health effects at low levels of air pollution; a new Board Chair; our first-ever Director of Science Communications; steps HEI is taking toward diversity, equity, and inclusion; the launch of new studies on wildfires and the effectiveness of air quality policies, and more.