Register For HEI's Annual Conference 2025

Sunday, May 4 - Tuesday, May 6, 2025 at the Austin Marriott Downtown Hotel in Austin, Texas.


large cranes at a port
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of air quality interventions
  • Measures to curb traffic, emissions regulations for vehicles or power plants, low sulfur fuels standards, goods movement plans
  • Wood stove and cookstove change-outs, clean air efforts surrounding Olympic Games
  • Unplanned events such as steel mill closures
  • Control populations that were not part of the air quality intervention
  • Advanced statistical methods to account for other changes happening at the same time
  • HEI’s interest and commitment to accountability or health outcomes studies stems in large measure from the importance of assessing whether potentially costly and complex regulations and other interventions are yielding the demonstrable improvements in air quality pollution and public health that were initially projected. In addition, lessons learned about regulatory efficacy from these studies are a means of informing the design and implementation of future efforts to improve air quality. HEI defined initial concepts and methods with the publication of a major Monograph (HEI Communication 11, 2003). Subsequently, HEI funded several waves of research and will continue to fund research in this area in coming years.

    Accountability Research Program Data Access and Transparency Statistical Methods