
This page has a list of publications and news articles related to Traffic-related Air Pollution. Find more information about our research on Air Pollution.

Five new studies aim to improve exposure assessment

February 6, 2020

There are many challenges in conducting epidemiological studies of long-term exposure to air pollutants because concentrations vary widely over space and time. Read how HEI investigators will soon begin five new studies, using novel strategies to address these challenges.

New HEI accountability studies underway soon

January 14, 2020

HEI is embarking on a third wave of studies under its accountability research program to assess whether actions to improve air quality have been effective in improving public health. Read about 4 new studies that will start in 2020. 

Experts drive discussion of traffic-related air pollution

November 7, 2019

HEI’s Panel on the Health Effects of Long-Term Exposure to Traffic-Related Air Pollution met with HEI staff in Boston on October 30–31 to apply its systematic approach to search the epidemiological literature on long-term exposure to traffic-related air pollution and selected health outcomes, assess study quality, summarize results, and reach conclusions about the body of evidence, as reflected in its review protocol.

Summer 2019 Update now available

August 21, 2019

In this issue of Update, read about HEI’s two new Board members; the protocol an expert HEI panel is following to review the literature on traffic-related pollution; a recap of our Annual Conference; a new report on household air pollution in Ghana; a visit with our sponsors and scientists in Japan; and more.

Health Effects Institute

In this issue of Update, read about HEI’s two new Board members; the protocol an expert HEI panel is following to review the literature on traffic-related pollution; a recap of our Annual Conference; a new report on household air pollution in Ghana; a visit with our sponsors and scientists in Japan; and more.

Panel publishes protocol for review on traffic-related air pollution

July 31, 2019

HEI’s expert panel to review the literature on traffic-related air pollution and health has published its review protocol (pdf). The panel was appointed in 2018 by HEI’s Board of Directors following the publication of HEI’s well-cited 2010 critical review.

Spring 2019 Update now available

June 5, 2019

In this issue of Update, read about HEI presenting science and strategies at a major symposium on transportation, air quality, and health; the release of State of Global Air 2019; the continued progress of an HEI reviewing the literature on traffic-related air pollution; a new staff member managing our digital communications; and more.

Health Effects Institute

In this issue of Update, read about HEI presenting science and strategies at a major symposium on transportation, air quality, and health; the release of State of Global Air 2019; the continued progress of an HEI special panel reviewing the literature on traffic-related air pollution; a new staff member managing our digital communications; and more.

Study examines real-world emissions characterization in two traffic tunnels

March 26, 2019

HEI has published Research Report 199, which describes a study led by Dr. Xiaoliang Wang at the Desert Research Institute in Reno, Nevada. Wang and his colleagues sought to evaluate how mobile-source emissions have changed through real-world emission characterization in two traffic tunnels: the Shing Mun Tunnel in Hong Kong and the Fort McHenry Tunnel in Baltimore, Maryland.

Research Report 199
Xiaoliang Wang
Andrey Khlystov
Kin-Fai Ho
Dave Campbell
Judith C Chow
Steven D Kohl
John G Watson
Shun-cheng Frank Lee
Lung-Wen Antony Chen
Minggen Lu
Steven Sai Hang Ho

Research Report 199 describes a study led by Dr. Xiaoliang Wang evaluating how mobile-source emissions have changed by examining real-world emissions characterization in two traffic tunnels: the Shing Mun Tunnel in Hong Kong and the Fort McHenry Tunnel in Baltimore, Maryland.