
This page is a list of publications in reverse chronological order. Please use search or the filters to browse by research areas, publication types, and content types.

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Annual Report 2020

Health Effects Institute
Annual Report 2020

The HEI Annual Report for 2020, Valuing Science, Informing Decisions, describes how HEI provides high quality, impartial, and relevant science to inform public policy on air quality and public health. The report highlights HEI’s latest achievements and initiatives.

Update Fall 2020

Health Effects Institute

In this issue of Update, read about the release of State of Global Air 2020; HEI’s progress on promoting inclusion; our prominent role in virtual international meetings on exposure science and epidemiology; and more!

Update Summer 2020

Health Effects Institute

In this issue of Update, read about two new HEI Board members; HEI’s formal response to EPA’s proposed transparency rule; a new chair for our Review Committee; HEI’s actions to promote diversity; a recently published Walter A. Rosenblith New Investigator report on novel techniques to study VOC–ozone effects… and more!

Understanding the Functional Impact of VOC–Ozone Mixtures on the Chemistry of RNA in Epithelial Lung Cells

Lydia M Contreras
Juan C Gonzalez-Rivera
Kevin C Baldridge
Dongyu S Wang
Jamie CL Chuvalo-Abraham
Lea Hildebrandt Ruiz
Research Report 201

Research Report 201 presents a study led by Dr. Lydia Contreras at the University of Texas, Austin, who is a recipient of HEI’s Walter A. Rosenblith New Investigator Award. Dr. Contreras and colleagues evaluated how exposure of lung cells to volatile organic compounds plus ozone affects oxidation of ribonucleic acid, a key component of cells. The study aimed to improve understanding of the biological mechanisms by which air pollutants can cause effects in human health, thereby expanding our knowledge of potential causal links between exposure and health.

Update Spring 2020

Health Effects Institute

In this issue of HEI Update, read about the Institute moving ahead and staying connected virtually; a successful webinar series that replaced our 2020 annual conference; an eminent epidemiologist joining the Research Committee; publication of two new research reports; a change of leadership for HEI Science; and more!

Multicenter Ozone Study in oldEr Subjects (MOSES): Part 2. Effects of Personal and Ambient Concentrations of Ozone and Other Pollutants on Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Function

David Q Rich
Mark W Frampton
John R Balmes
Philip A Bromberg
Mehrdad Arjomandi
Milan J Hazucha
Sally W Thurston
Neil E Alexis
Peter Ganz
Wojciech Zareba
Petros Koutrakis
Kelly Thevenet-Morrison
Research Report 192, Part 2

Research Report 192, Part 2, describes the second part of the Multicenter Ozone Study in oldEr Subjects (MOSES), led by Drs. David Rich and Mark Frampton of the University of Rochester Medical Center in Rochester, New York. Part 1 of the MOSES study, Effects of Exposure to Low Concentrations of Ozone on Respiratory and Cardiovascular Outcomes, was published in 2017; Part 2 presents additional analyses.

Enhancing Models and Measurements of Traffic-Related Air Pollutants for Health Studies Using Dispersion Modeling and Bayesian Data Fusion

Stuart Batterman
Veronica J Berrocal
Chad Milando
Owais Gilani
Saravanan Arunachalam
K Max Zhang
Research Report 202

Research Report 202 describes a study led by Dr. Stuart Batterman at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and colleagues. The investigators evaluated the ability to predict traffic-related air pollution using a variety of methods and models, including a line source air pollution dispersion model and sophisticated spatiotemporal Bayesian data fusion methods.

HEI Strategic Plan for 2020-2025

Health Effects Institute
Strategic Plan

Effective April 1, 2020, HEI is launching its Strategic Plan for Understanding the Health Effects of Air Pollution for the coming five years, guiding HEI’s direction based on extensive input from sponsors, the scientific community, environmental organizations, and others. The Plan seeks to produce and advance timely and credible science to inform key decisions with one overarching theme: informing air quality and health decisions for 2020-2025…and beyond.

Update Winter 2020

Health Effects Institute

In this issue of HEI Update, read about our upcoming Annual Conference in April; our search for the next HEI Review Committee chair; the launch of 11 new HEI studies — four evaluating the effectiveness of air quality actions, five aiming to improve exposure assessment, and two led by our 2019 Walter A. Rosenblith New Investigators; and more.

Annual Report 2019

Health Effects Institute
Annual Report 2019

The 2019 Annual Report, A Window to Trusted Science, describes how HEI provides high quality, impartial, and relevant science informing public policy on air quality and public health, and continues its longstanding commitment to transparency.