Register For HEI's Annual Conference 2025

Sunday, May 4 - Tuesday, May 6, 2025 at the Austin Marriott Downtown Hotel in Austin, Texas.

Reanalysis of the Harvard Six Cities Study and the American Cancer Society Study of Particulate Air Pollution and Mortality

Special Report,

A Special Report of the Institute's Particle Epidemiology Reanalysis Project. The overall objective of this project was to conduct a rigorous and independent assessment of the findings of the Harvard Six Cities and American Cancer Society Studies of air pollution and mortality. This objective was met in two parts. In Part I: Replication and Validation, the Reanalysis Team led by Dr. Daniel Krewski sought to replicate the original studies via a quality assurance audit of a sample of the original data and to validate the original numeric results. In Part II: Sensitivity Analyses, they tested the robustness of the original analyses to alternate risk models and analytic approaches.


- HEI Statement

- Preface

- Contributors to the Project

- Investigators' report: Reanalysis of the Harvard Six Cities Study and the American Cancer Society Study of Particulate Air Pollution and Mortality. Daniel Krewski, Richard T Burnett, Mark S Goldberg, Kristin Hoover, Jack Siemiatycki, Michael Jerrett, Michal Abrahamowicz, and Warren H White

- Health Review Committee's Commentary

- Original Investigators