Register For HEI's Annual Conference 2025

Sunday, May 4 - Tuesday, May 6, 2025 at the Austin Marriott Downtown Hotel in Austin, Texas.

National Particle Component Toxicity (NPACT) Initiative Report on Cardiovascular Effects

Research Report 178,

Section 1. NPACT Epidemiologic Study of Components of Fine Particulate Matter and Cardiovascular Disease in the MESA and WHI-OS Cohorts. Sverre Vedal, Sun-Young Kim, Kristin A. Miller, Julie Richman Fox, Silas Bergen, Timothy Gould, Joel D. Kaufman, Timothy V. Larson, Paul D. Sampson, Lianne Sheppard, Christopher D. Simpson, and Adam A. Szpiro

Section 2. NPACT Animal Toxicologic Study of Cardiovascular Effects of Mixed Vehicle Emissions Combined with Non-vehicular Particulate Matter. Matthew J. Campen, Amie K. Lund, Steven K. Seilkop, and Jacob D. McDonald

Section 3. Integrated Discussion Sverre Vedal and Matthew J. Campen

This report describes the results of two cohort studies of long-term effects of PM components on subclinical and clinical markers of cardiovascular diseases and a toxicologic study in which animals were exposed to mixtures of vehicle engine emissions and non-vehicular PM and analyzed for vascular effects. Section 3 contains an integrated discussion of the studies. This report, along with Research Report 177 (Lippmann et al.), is one of HEI's National Particle Component Toxicity (NPACT) studies, which describe the most systematic multidisciplinary studies to date to investigate the health effects of PM components in humans and animal models at locations across the United States where the effects of PM sources and components may differ. The report includes a Commentary and a Synthesis by the NPACT Review Panel.