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RFA 18-1 Assessing Improved Air Quality and Health From National, Regional, and Local Air Quality Actions

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RFA 18-1

HEI is seeking to fund studies to assess the health effects of air quality actions, also known as accountability research. Accountability research refers to empirical studies assessing the effects of regulatory actions, other interventions, or “natural” experiments on air pollution and health (sometimes also referred to as intervention studies). Request for Applications (RFA) 18-1 solicits applications for studies designed to assess the health effects of actions to improve air quality and to develop methods required for, and specifically suited to, conducting such research. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

(1)     Long-term complex regulatory programs: studies that evaluate regulatory and other actions at the national or regional level implemented over multiple years;

(2)     Interventions at the local level: studies that evaluate actions targeted at improving air quality in urban areas, with well-documented air quality problems and programs to address them, including but not limited to low emission zones, congestion charging, and so-called diesel bans;

(3)     Ports and global transport: studies that evaluate regulatory and other actions to improve air quality around major ports (both marine and air) and transportation hubs and corridors;

(4)     Methods development and dissemination: studies that develop, apply and disseminate statistical and other methodology for conducting such research.

RFA 18-1 Assessing Improved Air Quality and Health From National, Regional, and Local Air Quality Actions provides funding for up to four larger 3- to 4-year studies with a funding cap of $1,200,000 each and one or two smaller, 2- to 3-year methods development studies with a funding cap of $700,000 each.

How to Apply

This RFA is closed.


Annemoon M. van Erp

Preliminary Application Due Date: 
February 15, 2019
Full Application Due Date: 
May 20, 2019

Ongoing studies funded under this RFA

McGill University, Canada

McGill University, Canada

This study will focus on a coal ban and heat pump subsidy program in the Beijing, China, region. They are building on an existing panel study that is following about 966 people who live in 50 villages around Beijing. Half the villages are subject to the policy, the other half are not.

In review

Oregon State University

This study will assess the effects of emission-control measures on birth outcomes associated with traffic-related air pollution in Texas. Hystad and colleagues will evaluate air quality changes associated with national motor vehicle emissions regulations, as well as a diverse array of local congestion reduction programs implemented in Texas over the past 25 years.

In review

Boston University

This study will evaluate the major national regulatory policies that were implemented in China from 2008–2018. The investigators will focus on regulations in particular regions that target specific sources, such as coal combustion, and how they have reduced ambient concentrations of fine particles (and their components).

In review

Publications from this RFA

Research Report 221
Sara D Adar
Meredith Pedde
Richard Hirth
Adam Szpiro

This report presents a study led by Sara Adar of the University of Michigan’s School of Public Health. Adar and colleagues conducted a thorough accountability study of a program for replacing old diesel school buses with new, lower-emitting buses across the United States.