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Update Winter 2020

Health Effects Institute

In this issue of HEI Update, read about our upcoming Annual Conference in April; our search for the next HEI Review Committee chair; the launch of 11 new HEI studies — four evaluating the effectiveness of air quality actions, five aiming to improve exposure assessment, and two led by our 2019 Walter A. Rosenblith New Investigators; and more.

Update Fall 2019

Health Effects Institute

In this issue of Update, read about HEI’s publication of two major reports evaluating the extent to which air pollution at low levels of exposure may have consequences for public health; a revised draft of our Strategic Plan for 2020–2025; a new epidemiologist appointed to the HEI Review Committee; the communication of HEI research at important government, industry, and scientific conferences; and more.

Update Summer 2019

Health Effects Institute

In this issue of Update, read about HEI’s two new Board members; the protocol an expert HEI panel is following to review the literature on traffic-related pollution; a recap of our Annual Conference; a new report on household air pollution in Ghana; a visit with our sponsors and scientists in Japan; and more.

Update Spring 2019

Health Effects Institute

In this issue of Update, read about HEI presenting science and strategies at a major symposium on transportation, air quality, and health; the release of State of Global Air 2019; the continued progress of an HEI special panel reviewing the literature on traffic-related air pollution; a new staff member managing our digital communications; and more.

Update Winter 2019

Health Effects Institute

This issue of Update highlights a major new HEI study that measured progress on air quality in traffic tunnels, as well as two new HEI studies that examined secondary organic aerosols. Also in this edition, read about how we’re building our Strategic Plan for 2020–2025, our upcoming Annual Conference in Seattle, Washington, and more.

Update Fall 2018

Health Effects Institute

In this issue of Update, read about two important new HEI studies underway; a plan to intensively review and publish initial findings on PM2.5 from our “Low Exposure Levels” research program; our search for investigators to conduct new accountability and exposure assessment research; announcement of the 2018 Walter A. Rosenblith New Investigator Award recipient; and more.

Update Summer 2018

Health Effects Institute

In this issue of Update, read about HEI’s recent testimony on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed “Strengthening Transparency in Regulatory Science” rule; a recap of the 2018 Annual Conference in Chicago, Illinois; a new HEI Communication assessing the evidence on health effects from household air pollution; progress in the new Energy Research Program; and more.

Update Spring 2018

Health Effects Institute

This issue of Update highlights the report of a major new HEI study, Impacts of Regulations on Air Quality and Emergency Department Visits in the Atlanta Metropolitan Area, 1999–2013, led by Armistead (Ted) Russell of the Georgia Institute of Technology; the public release of data from HEI’s major ozone study, the Multicenter Ozone Study in oldEr Subjects (MOSES); a new HEI panel conducting a literature review on the health effects of traffic-related air pollution; the publication of State of Global Air 2018; appointment of two new members to the Institute’s Board of Directors; a new chair of the HEI Research Committee; and more.

Update Winter 2018

Health Effects Institute

This issue of Update highlights a major new HEI Special Report, Burden of Disease Attributable to Major Air Pollution Sources in India; three studies now underway to assess exposure to and health effects of traffic-related air pollution; and a new HEI Research Report on “Street Canyon” air pollution exposure modeling. Also in this edition, read about our upcoming Annual Conference; a recent meeting of diverse stakeholders hosted by HEI’s Energy Research Program; President Dan Greenbaum lending expertise to a National Academies “Grand Challenges” project; and more.

Update Fall 2017

Health Effects Institute

In this issue of HEI Update, read about the new ways HEI is making study data accessible; a literature review that HEI will soon initiate on the effects of exposure to traffic-related air pollution; two new members of the HEI Review Committee; and a newly published summary of an HEI expert workshop on the effects of fuel composition on particulate matter emissions.