Stay Tuned for New RFAs

September 12, 2016
This upcoming fall and winter, HEI will issue three requests for applications (RFAs) soliciting new research. Watch for updates at Funding Opportunities. The three requests are: 
  • RFA 16-1: Walter A. Rosenblith New Investigator Award
  • RFA 17-1: Assessing Adverse Health Effects of Exposure to Traffic: Air Pollution, Noise, and Interactions with Socioeconomic Status
  • RFA 17-2: Health Effects of Air Pollution 


August 17, 2016

专题报告20,燃煤和其他主要大气污染源所致的中国疾病负担。报告从国家与省级层面,对中国燃煤及其他主要空气污染源释放的细颗粒物(PM2.5)所造成当前及未来疾病负担进行了第一次综合评估。此项报告由清华大学、健康影响研究所、健康指标和评估研究所(IHME)与不列颠哥伦比亚大学联合发布,是全球疾病负担-主要空气污染源(GDB MAPS)这一国际合作项目的研究结果。分析表明,燃煤是造成空气污染、影响健康的最大元凶。2013年,仅燃煤一项在中国就导致约36.6万人过早死亡,其中以工业与民用燃煤影响最为重大。报告还指出,如不采取进一步行动,到2030年健康负担将会大幅增加。

Air Pollution and Adverse Reproductive Health Outcomes

August 3, 2016

HEI Research Report 188 analyzes associations between increases in various air pollution exposure metrics and increased risks of preterm birth. Jun Wu was funded under HEI's Walter A. Rosenblith New Investigator Award to conduct a comprehensive nested, case-control study of air pollution and adverse birth and pregnancy outcomes, using birth certificate data collected in California from 2001 to 2008. 

"Direct" Approach Evaluates Air Quality Interventions

May 31, 2016

HEI Research Report 187, Causal Inference Methods for Estimating Long-Term Health Effects of Air Quality Regulations, was funded as part of HEI’s Accountability research program, aimed at understanding whether actions to improve air quality have resulted in improved health outcomes.