
Environmental Scientist Joins Review Committee

February 4, 2016

The HEI Board of Directors has appointed Jana B. Milford, professor of mechanical engineering and environmental engineering at the University of Colorado–Boulder, to the HEI Review Committee. The committee, which has no role in selecting or overseeing projects, evaluates all completed HEI studies and prepares a commentary or critique of each study’s results and interpretations that puts them in a broader scientific and policy context. Milford replaces Ted Russell, who recently stepped down from the committee after completing two four-year terms, the maximum length of service allowed by HEI bylaws.

New Studies on Health Effects at Low Air Pollution Concentrations

February 4, 2016

Three new studies, funded under RFA 14-3, Assessing Health Effects of Long-term Exposure to Low Levels of Ambient Air Pollution, will investigate health effects in millions of people exposed to low levels of air pollution in North America and Europe.