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HEI model highlighted at National Academies symposium


In May, HEI President Dan Greenbaum was invited to address the Gilbert W. Beebe Symposium of the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine on “The Future of Low-Dose Radiation Research in the United States.”

The symposium this year brought together a range of scientists from government and academia to address the continuing needs for better research to understand the effects of exposure to low doses of radiation — and to explore ways in which future research in this at-times controversial arena might be funded and conducted.

The symposium organizers invited Greenbaum to present the HEI model, whereby research is funded jointly by government and industry and undertaken with high rigor and careful attention to impartiality, ensuring that the results can be viewed as “trusted science” and used to inform important decisions. Greenbaum also described the earlier congressionally chartered effort by the Academies — in which he participated — to develop and monitor progress on a multidisciplinary research program on airborne particulate matter.

For a copy of the presentation, please contact Greenbaum at; the entire symposium is available as a webcast.