
Save the date! HEI’s 2024 Annual Conference will be held April 28-30 in Philadelphia. More information will be posted in early 2024. 

Past Meetings

Brussels Meeting on Air Pollution and Health: Recent Advances to Inform the European Green Deal

On January 21-22, 2020, HEI held a joint meeting with WHO, ERS, and ISEE, Air pollution and Health: Recent Advances to Inform the European Green Deal, in Brussels, Belgium. The meeting reviewed the latest science on PM2.5 and NO2 as a key step in evaluating whether to update Europe’s air quality policies. 

Health Effects Institute 2019 Annual Conference

The 2019 HEI Annual Conference was held in Seattle, Washington on May 5-7, 2019. The Scientific Program and speaker presentations can be found here.

HEI Research Planning Workshop: Understanding Population-Level Exposures Related to the Development of Oil and Natural Gas from Unconventional Resources, September 12-13, 2018

At this workshop, participants learned about progress on the Energy Research Committee’s ongoing review of the exposure literature associated with UOGD, heard presentations from experts on scientific and regulatory topics relevant to the assessment of potential human exposures to UOGD, shared their expertise, and contributed their perspective to the Committee's impartial, interdisciplinary review and interpretation of the exposure literature.

HEI Research Planning Workshop: Understanding Population-Level Exposures Related to the Development of Oil and Natural Gas from Unconventional Resources, July 11-12, 2018

The workshop provided an opportunity for the Energy Research Committee to hear from a broad range of stakeholders about their expert opinions and perspectives on the literature, important knowledge gaps, and research priorities along with the criteria used to define the priorities. The Committee will consider information received during the workshop as it conducts its own review of the literature and formulates research priorities for population-level exposure research.

Health Effects Institute 2018 Annual Conference

The 2018 HEI Annual Conference was held in Chicago, Illinois, from April 29-May 1, 2018.
The scientific program can be found below. Sunday morning featured a pre-conference workshop on Causal Modeling in Air Pollution Research and Policy. Presentations are available for download with permission from the speakers. 

Scoping Meeting for Human Health Study Critique

The HEI Energy Research Program hosted its first public meeting in January 2018 to discuss the Energy Research Committee’s critique of the human health literature related to the development of oil and natural gas from unconventional resources (UOGD) across the United States. This Scoping Meeting provided an opportunity for a wide range of stakeholders to engage with one another and share their recommendations for the Committee’s Critique. Presentations are now available. 

Global Burden of Disease - Major Air Pollution Sources in India. Workshop on Data, Methods, and Results

Joint scientific workshop on the Burden of Disease Attributable to Major Air Pollution Sources in India. This multi-party workshop was co-sponsored by the Health Effects Institute, the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India, and the Public Health Foundation of India. It was held in January 2018 in Delhi, India, to present the new HEI Special Report 21: Burden of Disease Attributable to Major Air Pollution Sources in India.

Health Effects Institute 2017 Annual Conference

The 2017 HEI Annual Conference was held in Alexandria, Virginia from April 30-May 2, 2017.
The Scientific Program and speaker presentations can be found here.

Workshop on Effects of Fuel Composition on PM

HEI held a workshop on December 8, 2016, to provide an overview of research on the effects of fuel composition on particulate matter (PM). Introductory presentations included overviews of regulatory issues, of engine/vehicle parameters, and of fuel formulation, as well as tail-pipe emissions vs. ambient levels of PM. Other presentations discussed the impact of gasoline composition (including ethanol level and aromatics) and engine technology (including gasoline direct injection) on PM emissions. Includes an Executive Summary of the workshop. 

Health Effects Institute 2016 Annual Conference

The 2016 HEI Annual Conference was held in Denver, Colorado from May 1-3, 2016.
The Scientific Program and speaker presentations can be found here.