New State of Global Air Report

The report covers 23 countries in Asia and highlights key data and trends for each region.

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HEI launches Strategic Plan for 2020-2025


Effective April 2020, HEI has launched its Strategic Plan for Understanding the Health Effects of Air Pollution for the coming five years, guiding HEI’s direction based on extensive input from sponsors, the scientific community, environmental organizations, and others. The Plan seeks to produce and advance timely and credible science to inform key decisions with one overarching theme: informing air quality and health decisions for 2020-2025…and beyond. The four core program opportunities are:

  • Accountability: Testing the Links Between Air Quality Action and Health;
  • Complex Questions for the Air Pollution Mixture;
  • Transport and Urban Health; and
  • Global Health.

The Plan is off to a quick start, with a dozen new studies in key priority areas like accountability and enhanced exposure assessment just now getting underway. In addition, HEI will seek to include several cross-cutting issues in the studies it funds: transparency in policy-relevant science; sensitive and at-risk populations; and enhanced exposure assessment.

PDF icon HEI Strategic Plan for 2020-20255.18 MB