New State of Global Air Report

The report covers 23 countries in Asia and highlights key data and trends for each region.

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Lesliam Quirós-Alcalá

Lesliam Quirós-Alcalá

Assistant Professor, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Lesliam Quirós-Alcalá is an Assistant Professor at Johns Hopkins University in the Department of Environmental Health and Engineering. As an exposure scientist and environmental epidemiologist, Dr. Quirós-Alcalá conducts translational exposure science research to better understand exposure-response relationships. Her research focuses on characterizing environmental exposures to endocrine disrupting agents and examining their potential health risks on highly vulnerable, low-income and marginalized populations historically underrepresented and understudied in public health research, including occupational populations, pregnant women and women of reproductive age, and children. The goal of her research is to inform the development of public health policies and practices and to identify potential interventions that aim to reduce environmental exposures and eliminate exposure and health disparities to improve the health of these overburdened populations. In 2019, Dr. Quirós-Alcalá was recognized with the International Society of Exposure Science Joan Daisy Young Exposure Scientist Award and currently serves as a Commissioner in the Maryland Governor’s Commission on Environmental Justice and Sustainability Communities (CEJSC). She received her undergraduate degree in Biomedical Engineering and her Master of Science degree in Safety Engineering and Industrial Hygiene from Texas A&M University. She received her PhD from the University of California at Berkeley in Environmental Health Sciences. She has worked in industry, government, and academia.