Carbon Monoxide

This page has a list of publications and news articles related to Air Pollution - Carbon Monoxide. Find more information about our research on Air Pollution.

Research Report 21
Steven M Horvath
James W Agnew
Jeames A Wagner
John F Bedi

This report examined the interactive effects induced by exposure to altitude and carbon monoxide. Dr. Horvath and colleagues exposed 23 healthy young human volunteers living at sea level to concentrations of 0, 50, 100, or 150 ppm carbon monoxide in a hyperbaric chamber simulating altitudes of 55, 1,524, 2,134, or 3, 048 meters above sea level. Maximal aerobic capacity tests were performed under each exposure condition while respiratory and cardiac variables and blood levels of carboxyhemoglobin, hemoglobin, and lactate were monitored.

Research Report 12
Laurence D Fechter

This report describes a study by Dr. Fechter to investigate the effect of prenatal and neonatal exposure to low levels of carbon monoxide (CO) on the developing rat brain. Groups of rats were exposed prenatally, or prenatally plus 10 days neonatally to take into account the fact that the developing rat brain is considerably less mature at birth than the primate brain. Consequently, rats were exposed to CO concentrations ranging from 75-300 ppm through the period of neuronal proliferation and into the period of synapse formation.